2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Lee Jae In
Design Type: Spaces: architecture, interiors, landscape
Company / Organization / School: Hongik University
Team Members: Lee Jae In

ZEROHUB is an eco-friendly car camping site operated with hydrogen energy. Camping to get close to nature is causing harm to nature. As a way to solve these social problems, I prpose a camping site like an air purifier that purifies nature. More than a certain size of space has a generator, which constantly turns the lake's water into green hydrigen energy. And every space in the ZEROHUB is filled with that energy, pure water and air, which are by-products. ZEROHUB borrow the power of nature to get closer to nature. ZEROHUB's 'Petal Unit' is a personal camping space where you can anchor and use your car. Cars become batteries in 'Petal Unit' and store energy in space. Visitors can freely move around the unit and enjoy camping in nature. 'Seed Unit' is a hub space where petal units can anchor. It is a space where various activities and exchanges take place, and all visitors to ZEROHUB use it together.