2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Seongjong Kang
Design Type: Concept
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership Plus
Website: http://www.behance.net/sergiokang
Team Members: Seongjong Kang

This design is not innovative, it is true to the basics. Instead of living with your face stuck in your phone every moment, it encourages you to sit in a chair, rest, and think. It can be a nostalgia, it can be a meditation, it can be a pledge to the future. People move all the time. We need to rest because we keep moving. It was inspired by the seat belt of transportation that comes to mind when I think of movement. Seat belts symbolize the journey somewhere and at the same time give us a psychological stability. The seat belt material and shape were reflected throughout the design of the chair. Seat belts thrown away from transportation no longer in service have been reused on backrests, seats and armrests. 100% polyester webbing and is UV inhibited and will not shrink, rot, mold, or mildew.