2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Kai-Chieh Hsueh
Design Type: Health & Medical
Company / Organization / School: National Taipei University of Education
Team Members: Kai-Chieh Hsueh, Yu-Ting Chen, Hsun-Yu Chang, Zhong-Wei Lin & Prof. Kai-Chu Li

Putong is designed based on the health and quality of life of caregivers and patients. It’s more efficient to combine chest percussion with postural drainage. Use hand-held electric sputum patting to reduce the muscle pain of the nurses. In order to let patients cough up sputum more effectively and quickly, the design of earpiece is added in Putong to judge the position of the patient's sputum by auscultating whether the air flow sound in the respiratory tract is abnormal, along with the teaching instructions by the tapping map and postural drainage, which even makes caregivers without medical background be able to assist patients easily and correctly. If the patient has osteoporosis, surgery and other problems, the contents of the doctor's diagnosis certificate can be inputted into Putong. Putong will intelligently avoid non slapping organs or adjust the slapping force.