2022 Galleries

The Spark Gallery pages are one of our most popular design destinations, with thousands of visitors each year. Check out some of the latest Spark entries, in the galleries below.



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yesim Na
Design Type: Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: Ewha Womans University

How do you watch videos on video platforms such as YouTube and TikTok? Advances in technology have made it easy for people to enjoy videos in any situation. With the increasing number of watching video, the culture of watching videos has also begun to expand. Rather than simply watching the video, viewers began to wonder what other people were interested in and what they thought when they saw the same video. They also reproduced videos in their own style and shared the timestamps that they saw impressively. Now, regardless of the clear division of roles between ‘Professional producers’ and ‘Viewers’, it has changed to a culture in which anyone freely produces content and freely shares thoughts about videos. However, the current video platform is cumbersome to enjoy with an extended video watching culture. So, Highlight propose interactive and convenient video community where viewers can enjoy expanding video culture. Highlight provides ‘Place to interact with other users in real-time’ while watching the video, and provides ‘One-stop editing feature’ that allows you to reproduce video without using multi apps regardless of your skills.