2022 Galleries

The Spark Gallery pages are one of our most popular design destinations, with thousands of visitors each year. Check out some of the latest Spark entries, in the galleries below.



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Hsun-Yu Chang
Design Type: Product & industrial, Transportation & Mobility, Vehicles, Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: National Taipei University of Education
Team Members: Hsun-Yu Chang, Lin Zhong-Wei, Chen Yu-Ting, Chang Yen, Sun Yu-Chieh, Hsueh Kai-Chieh & Prof. Kai-Chu Li

iCARE CATTLE is designed to improve cattle problems caused by physiological factors. Studies have shown that overeating of cattle can cause hard lumps in the stomach and poor appetite. The mood of the cattle will also affect the appetite, and the eating conditions of the cattle will also affect the growth rate.