2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yinghua Lu
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: ArtCenter College of Design
Team Members: Yinghua Lu

HYPER XR features the advanced stabilizer system that locks the foot in and allows golfers who are 20 to 40 pounds of body mass greater than average to swing away with full force. The HYPER XR gears up for the course with a hybrid outsole with integrated traction and 8 removable tornado spikes, plus a bio-based foam midsole. With the service ability of the spikes, golfers can replace and customize the spikes by preference, which extends the life cycle of HYPER XR. The outsole is covering up the big toe to strengthen the protection and durability of the upper. The most often overlooked part of the big toe also has a spike to provide friction. A new traction solution is provided by adding more traction points. The inner TPU and external heel counter enhance a locked down feeling and stability for the swing. HYPER XR features a 360 degrees wrap around TPU band to freeze the midfoot into the shoe. Users can tighten up the shoe by just pulling and tapping this special closure system. The vegan leather upper ensures the waterproof feature in all conditions. With all the features on HYPER XR, the golfers can play at their best.