2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Minji Kim
Design Type: Packaging
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Minji Kim & Youjung Jeon

'GROUNDS’ is a coffee cycle kit that can take part in environmental education with parents and their children together. The proportion of coffee extracted from a grain of coffee beans is only 0.2%, and about 15g of coffee grounds is generated for every cup of Americano. Coffee grounds dumped on the ground are emitting greenhouse gases and methane. Methane occurs a greenhouse effect that is nearly 34 times greater than CO2. Coffee grounds which increase along with coffee consumption, are classified as household waste. Although they have the possibility of recycling, they are being dumped on the ground indiscriminately. Therefore, we purpose to strengthen the awareness of environmental education for children and parents and the recycling of coffee grounds through our cycle kit. Through the kit, the parents recognize to environmental issues and awareness through the recycling process of coffee grounds from brewing coffee with their kids. Then kids can learn about the environment and develop the tactile sense through the coffee grounds clay through the coffee recycling process.