2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // The Last Building in Tuvalu

The Last Building in Tuvalu


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Jun-Ki Kim
Design Type: Spaces: architecture, interiors, landscape
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Seoul
Team Members: Jun-Ki Kim

The Last Building Standing, in this specific case, is in Tuvalu. Tuvalu, famous for its rich and antique culture and beautiful beaches, is estimated to be flooded completely by the year 2100. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the Last Building Standing is to spread awareness of climate change and commemorate Tuvalu's land, culture, and people. As its name suggests, the Last Building Standing will be the final building that will ever exist on the island. The project will consist of 4 monumental capsules, and the biggest feature of this building is that when the water level rises and reaches the capsules, the capsule will lock down automatically, like the World Seed Bank in Svalbard. The four different capsules are technically protecting what is important to mankind. So, while humans are failing to stop sea level rise and protect their homes, these capsules protect the bare minimum of what is important to humans, enforcing the alertness and seriousness of sea level rise in the risk of humankind.