2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Mongolian Pavilion

Mongolian Pavilion


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Junho Chung
Design Type: Spaces: architecture, interiors, landscape
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Seoul
Team Members: Junho Chung

This project dives into the complexities of Mongolia's human behavior and social issues, targeting both nomadic communities and urbanites. With the increasing influence of Western lifestyles in Mongolia, the suitability of traditional gers' housing is under scrutiny. The initiative addresses the evolving needs of nomadic and urban populations, embarking on an extensive study and iterative exploration. Inspired by the adaptable ger structure, the project aims for architectural solutions that align with contemporary needs, acknowledging the shifting dynamics of Mongolian lifestyles. Creating tangible physical models enhances the investigation into Mongolia's societal dynamics, contributing meaningful insights and innovative solutions. Navigating the complexities of nomadic and urban contexts, the project strives to shape spaces that resonate with Mongolian communities' diverse and dynamic lifestyles, blending tradition with modernity.