2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Alexander Taeho Shim
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Seoul

The Fiddle, a water-filtering paddle, originated from an extensive exploration of diverse sources. The concept, shaped through research and brainstorming sessions focused on products aligning with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, evolved into a solution for water filtration. To refine the product, the focus shifted strategically to Ganvie, an extraordinary lake city in Benin, Africa, where life revolves around water. Boats, powered by paddles rather than gas, inspired the idea of a water-filtering paddle to address pollution in Lake Nokoue, a significant concern affecting wildlife and fishermen's livelihoods. The initial concept of boat-attached filters was reevaluated due to practicality concerns, leading to the development of a water-filtering paddle seamlessly integrated into villagers' lives. The purification process involves coarse and fine filtration, concluding with UV sterilization to eliminate bacteria and viruses. In essence, the research-driven approach tailored to Ganvie's lifestyle resulted in a finalized Fiddle proposal addressing environmental challenges through a product seamlessly embedded in daily activities.