2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Gaeun Kim
Design Type: Concept, Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Hongik University
Team Members: Gaeun Kim, Sumin Ko & Jonghwan Jeong

As the proportion of single-person households in their 20s and 30s continues to increase worldwide, physical and mental problems such as irregular lifestyle and lethargy that occur among them are attracting attention. Various social robots are being developed to address problems in the lives of single-person households, however, most of products are designed for elderly experiencing physical weakening and loneliness.Therefore, we propose FODI, the display pop-up type social robot based on observations of their lifestyle patterns, preferences and residence types.FODI is designed for individuals who would like to utilize their living spaces variously and efficiently and value their personality. HRI(Human-Robot Interaction) which utilized diverse facial expressions is available in FODI as it learns user’s pattern based on Ai. FODI performs as a home assistant by integrating with household appliances, offering four types of usage with an adjustable display for projection and rotation. In the standard mode, it shows a variety of expressions on a thin display.The space-saving design of FODI ensures stable movement in compact living spaces. In half mode, it is easy to move around while watching OTT and video. In vertical and horizontal mode, the large display allows you to watch videos, assist with tasks, and etc.