2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Si Young Kim
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Keimyung University
Team Members: Si Young Kim

"It contains Korea's unique beauty." It is a portable rice cooker with a cauldron motif that visualizes Korea's local and friendly smell. Until now, the elderly did not use the new function well when using the electric rice cooker, and they could not see the small letters on the manipulation panel or hear the notification that the rice was ready due to loss of hearing. To intuitively solve this problem, we designed a flame-shaped cooking lamp inspired by the shape of heating the fire in the cauldron. The color of the cooking lights changed depending on the level of the cooking stage, making it easier for the elderly to understand the cooking stage than before. The handle is combined with a portable function, making it convenient to carry regardless of location, and I hope that the electric rice cooker reinterpreted the cauldron will bring nostalgia to the elderly and handle it comfortably.