2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // LOG-IN: Plogging Guide for Climate Depression

LOG-IN: Plogging Guide for Climate Depression


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Heo Yu Jin
Design Type: Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: Hongik University

LOG-IN is a region-based application that focuses on plogging, a popular movement that involves picking up rubbish while jogging. It helps reduce the barriers to starting plogging and encourages a lighter jogging routine while promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle. Participating in community events can assist you in establishing a sustainable community. You can enjoy plogging and communicate with your plogging group using our tracking screen. Through numerous interviews, we've observed that many novice ploggers struggle to incorporate plogging into their daily lives. Additionally, the MZ-ECO generation often experiences climate-related depression. To address this issue, LOG-IN offers a service that promotes light plogging as a healthy lifestyle. This is why we incorporate gamification elements such as 3D characters and level-specific items to boost motivation at every stage. While using LOG-IN, users can easily engage with their local neighbors. In conclusion, LOG-IN not only helps users start plogging and adopt eco-friendly lifestyles but also encourages communal activities and the formation of a healthy, region-based community. We aim for plogging to promote the coexistence of environmental protection, exercise, and communication. Let's LOG-IN together!