2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yin-Chi Liu
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Ming Chi University of Technology
Team Members: Yin-Chi Liu, Wen-Shin Zeng, Yun-Jhen Wu, Sin-Yu Lin & Prof. Li Kai-Chu

LDCT is a doll that helps children learn about CPR. Children can be exposed to CPR early, so that CPR is not unfamiliar. Through the collocation of picture books and small figures, with phased teaching, and physical pressure simulation, so that children can gradually learn. In the process of pressing, through the sound changes on the doll, the position and depth of pressing are corrected to achieve the understanding of the CPR effect. Hope that what will happen in children's play and life, to understand CPR, to learn the concept of CPR.