2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Gyuri Mun
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Sangmyung University
Team Members: Gyuri Mun

'LABORED' is a book projector that allows readers to capture their thoughts while reading. Unlike digital books, paper books have the advantage of allowing notes and drawings. However, when it comes to rented books, leaving any marks is not allowed. Therefore, I propose a solution to overcome these limitations of borrowed paper books. This product includes a projector with an integrated infrared camera and a 'stylus' equipped with an infrared switch at the end for tracking. When the user writes with the stylus, the infrared camera recognizes the text and instantly projects it onto the book, allowing direct interaction with the pages. While reading borrowed paper books, the experience was disrupted when I had to transfer interesting quotes or thoughts to a separate piece of paper. LABORED enables users to write directly on the book with the stylus and revisit those sections later. Although you can write directly on the book with the stylus and review it using the projector, no physical marks are left on the book, ensuring it stays in a pristine condition. This project revives and promotes paper book rental culture, essential for education among the new generation.