2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Pei-Tzu Liao
Design Type: Health & Medical
Company / Organization / School: Tunghai University
Team Members: Pei-Tzu Liao, You-Ruei Chen, Wei-Ting Jiang & Prof. Kai-Chu Li

The DF-Scale stands as an innovative testament, converging cutting-edge technology and healthcare insight to revolutionize diabetic foot care; seamlessly capturing body weight data while utilizing the safety of 415 nm blue LED light for meticulous foot wound detection, amplified by its wavy glass design that comprehensively disinfects and examines often-neglected interdigital spaces between toes, thus forging a path towards simpler and safer foot care, fortifying a vital line of defense against the complexities of diabetic foot issues, ultimately narrating a narrative of empowerment and well-being, where routine transforms into a purposeful, intuitive practice, imbued with both scientific precision and empathetic design, enabling individuals to assert proactive control over their diabetic foot health, curbing complications, fostering hygiene, and nurturing an unwavering sense of confidence and vitality.