2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Covid-19 Express

Covid-19 Express


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yaoguang Huang
Design Type: Graphics: Print, Visual art/Graphic Design
Company / Organization / School: School of Art Institute of Chicago

Inspired by the famous Chinese netizen comment, "We are all in that bus," in response to the Guizhou bus accident, I've decided on the name and structure of the museum—Covid-19 Express—a looped train divided into 7 segments, representing different phases of the Zero-Covid policy. The train's loop signifies the never-ending nature of the policy, much like the Milgram obedience experiment, where there's no clear result or escape. The connection between the first and last carriages symbolizes that Chinese society hasn't gained any benefits from this extensive movement.