2023 Galleries

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AAA Space Line


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yaxin Zou
Design Type: Brand: Logos, communications
Company / Organization / School: School of Visual Arts
Website: http://yaxinzou.com
Team Members: Yaxin Zou

AAA SPACE LINE(Aerospace Aviation Administration) is a futuristic space company dedicated to facilitating a seamless connection between Earth and space. The design concept combines the metallic luster and gradient colors, with interconnected graphic elements forming the shape of the uppercase letter 'A,' reminiscent of an aircraft's silhouette. The design elements emphasize the idea of combination, composition, and connectivity through different modules. AAA SPACE LINE aims to pioneer future space exploration and provide passengers with exceptional and unforgettable space experiences, allowing them to personally witness the magnificent vistas of the universe. We believe that connecting Earth and space is just the beginning, and future explorations will bring endless surprises and wonders to humanity.