2023 Galleries

The Spark Gallery pages are one of our most popular design destinations, with thousands of visitors each year. Check out some of the latest Spark entries, in the galleries below.



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: HyungJoon Kwon
Design Type: Packaging
Company / Organization / School: Kaywon University of Art & Design
Team Members: HyungJoon Kwon

ABLEMADE aims to challenge and change the underestimation of products made by people with disabilities. Our society often harbors a misguided perception that these products are inherently deficient. Contrary to this, ABLEMADE highlights the diverse strengths and capabilities of our disabled worker. Our designs use vibrant colors and sensory icons to represent the collective crafting of perfection, like a puzzle. We've developed packaging across different product lines to signify limitless possibilities. The logo and overall design succinctly express this empowering narrative, fostering a new understanding and appreciation of these unique products.