2023 Galleries

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Air Vest


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Annabel Jung
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Seoul
Team Members: Annabel Jung

In my 'Air Vest' design, I address global warming by introducing an undergarment that enhances airflow, reducing perceived temperatures. The tragic loss of 61,672 lives in Europe during extreme heat waves emphasizes the urgent need for innovative solutions. While air conditioning provides immediate relief, its heavy energy consumption worsens the environmental problem. To overcome drawbacks in traditional cooling vests, like weight and limited flexibility, I aimed to create a sustainable and practical wearable solution. Inspired by the 'bamboo wife,' a hand-woven bamboo cushion in East Asian countries for summer heat relief, I integrated its air-circulating structure into the Air Vest's foundational concept. Incorporating modern origami techniques, the vest ensures flexibility and breathability. Paper fold tests during development allowed for customization to individual body sizes and contours. The 'Air Vest' goes beyond clothing, embodying my design philosophy of merging art with functionality, tradition with innovation, and vision with practicality. This creation provides a modest yet impactful response to the challenges of a warming world, underlining that thoughtful and creative design can be a potent force for change.