2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Seorin Jang - aro
Design Type: Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: Hongik University
Team Members: Seorin Jang, Uichan Han, Hyeonseong Lee & Jaeho Shin

In today's fast-paced society, many Koreans in their late 20s grapple with self-doubt and loneliness, particularly as they transition to independent adulthood. 'aro' is a cutting-edge mixed-reality service designed to build emotional resilience for such people. It offers a fresh, psychologically informed approach to emotional well-being, giving people strength to cope with life's challenges. Using AR technology, 'aro' helps users revisit and engage with their past positively, turning these memories into a source of inspiration and courage for the future. The service is accessible via AR glasses and comes in two user-friendly modes: an immersive experience for full features and a lighter, assistive mode for daily use. When the AI detects signs of stress, it starts a conversation with the user, offering uplifting memories to break the cycle of negative thoughts. Users can also create and place 3D AR mementos from special moments, allowing for ongoing interaction with treasured memories. This innovative approach fosters positive reminiscing habits, empowering users to find emotional strength and self-support. The name 'Aro' is inspired by the Korean term 'Arosaegim,' meaning to engrave various elements deeply into one's mind.