2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Seunghee Lee - BLOOM
Design Type:
Company / Organization / School: Konkuk University Glocal Campus
Team Members: Seunghee Lee

"Bloom" is a design that extends the functionality of traditional gardening tools to include 'storage,' specifically crafted for individuals who spend more time not using gardening tools than actually using them. People who embark on home gardening primarily use gardening tools for activities such as occasional tilling, typically 1-2 times a year, or planting simple seedlings. The duration of tool storage exceeds their actual usage, and there exists a need for efficient space utilization and an aesthetic touch when it comes to storage. To enhance space efficiency, essential gardening tools, such as a large spade, a small spade, and a rake, are designed to be stacked together, creating an aesthetically pleasing form inspired by flower petals. Additionally, each tool is constructed from a translucent material, drawing inspiration from the layering of flower petals, allowing them to be positioned in any interior space while maintaining an attractive appearance.