2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Blue Dot Civil Spaceport

Blue Dot Civil Spaceport


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Won Jo Kim
Design Type: Spaces: architecture, interiors, landscape
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Won Jo Kim & Sebeom Ji

Blue Dot represents a groundbreaking civil spaceport tailored to the surging demands of civil aerospace. Five decades have passed since the historic lunar landing, and today, skilled individuals worldwide, from diverse countries and companies, are exploring the cosmos. This era contemplates a transformative system, one that propels not only astronauts but also everyday civilians toward the cosmos. The space industry burges annually, witnessing the steady evolution of space technologies. Yet, for the average person, venturing into space can remain a daunting prospect, fraught with trepidation. Thus, the conception of a space airport becomes imperative. It must serve as a sanctuary, a place where civilians' apprehensions can be momentarily assuaged and their confidence nurtured to embark on space journeys safely. Enter 'Blue Dot,' an embodiment of familiarity, emulating the conventional airport experience, and instilling the sense of eager anticipation and profound relief that accompanies venturing into the vast expanse of the universe. In an age of remarkable progress, 'Blue Dot' encapsulates a vision that encapsulates accessibility and assurance, empowering people from all walks of life to explore the wonders of space, transcending the boundaries of imagination and fear.