2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Eunhee Kim - SLEEPi
Design Type: Product & industrial, Concept, Product & Industrial, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games
Company / Organization / School: Seoul Women's University

Since the pandemic, the age of smartphone use has been gradually decreasing due to digital acceleration, with children in South Korea spending four times as much time on their phones as the 'WHO' recommends. Due to underdeveloped frontal lobes, children have difficulty controlling their impulses, making them vulnerable to smartphone addiction. This negatively impacts their sleep, growth, and development in particular. According to data from the Ministry of Science and ICT in South Korea, 28.4% of toddlers and 37% of adolescents are at risk of smartphone overdependence. This number is steadily increasing and is higher than that of adults. In order to stop children from using smartphones, many parents are forcing them to stop using smartphones and children have negative experiences in the process. Such actions are resulting in undesirable experiences for children. Therefore, we propose a service to improve this negative interruption experience and improve children's voluntary habit formation and behavior. 'SLEEPi' is an IoT service that helps children addicted to smartphones form healthy sleep habits. It helps them to create their own sleep routine, achieve it like a game, and form habits voluntarily.