2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Xinxin Li
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Rochester Institute of Technology
Website: http://www.xinxinli5.com/
Team Members: Xinxin Li

Kitchens are common for fires to occur in the home because the cooking process involves fire, grease, and other flammable materials. In China, with 97.2% of cities covered by gas, gas stoves are the cooking choice of most Chinese families, in line with traditional Chinese cooking styles such as stir-frying, which requires fast and high heat, and gas stoves provide a flame that can be easily adjusted to meet these needs. At the same time, Chinese cuisine also includes many dishes that require long periods of simmering. Accidents of accidentally forgetting to turn off the flame or burning the pot dry are frequent, which can burn a pot or cause a kitchen fire. Sloven-G is a sensor-equipped smart gas cooktop that helps to prevent fire accidents and improve cooking efficiency. The cooktop is equipped with a temperature sensor to detect the pot's temperature, while the weight sensor detects if there is cooking on the cooktop, and if the pot is no longer on the cooktop for 35s-45s, the cooktop will automatically stop cooking.