2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Gun Park
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Kyung Hee University, Hongik University
Team Members: Gain Lee Jinha Hong Yangwoo Choi

With our busy lives, it's easy to neglect chores and forget or put off when they need to be done. Sometimes, even when we know when it's time, we hesitate to start because it's just too annoying. MOMENTA utilizes visually absent triggers to prompt people to start chores. We designed the triggers to induce discomfort in the user and encourage them to fill them naturally and unconsciously. The interaction experienced while filling the trigger is designed to be a precursor to the chore, providing an emotional experience similar to the sense of accomplishment felt while doing the chore. As a result, each product is tied to three chores - sweeping the floor, decluttering, and washing dishes - and uses triggers that leverage deprivation to drive the antecedents of chores, helping users to naturally start doing them whenever they plan.