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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // MoMate: App for Patients With Infertility

MoMate: App for Patients With Infertility


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Seongmin An
Design Type: Concept, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games, Health & Medical, Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Hongik University, Hallym University
Website: http://seongminan.myportfolio.com
Team Members: Sehee Min, Hagyeong Ko, Subin An

MoMate provides a setting customized to the user’s current condition. During the onboarding process, the user will be able to select their current situation from the choices of: the state of preparing for natural pregnancy, going through artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization to become pregnant, or currently pregnant. Based on the user’s state, we offer 5 main functions through the app: 1. Tracker for pregnancy, medications, injections, and hospital records, 2. Diary tab that enables the user to record their mood and event effectively, 3. “Journey Books” tab that allows patients to see the diaries of people who overcame infertility, 4. Community tab that allows the users to virtually interact with other patients and share information, and 5. AI-integrated chatbot that operates 24/7 to provide accurate information when the users need it urgently. These are functions that were carefully thought out to aid the patients with the emotional, physical, and psychological difficulties that they face, including but not limited to 1. difficulty in managing various medical records (injections, pills, hospital clinic), 2. managing dramatic mood changes, 3. feelings of anxiety and depression, and 4. lack of accurate information when urgently needed.