2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Grandpa's Diary

Grandpa's Diary


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Jiamei Yan
Design Type: Concept, Graphics: Print, Packaging, Typography
Company / Organization / School: University of Southern California
Website: https://jiameiyan.cargo.site/

Throughout the ninety years of my grandfather's life (1927-2018), he has witnessed several significant historical epochs that have shaped China over the past century. His experiences are indelibly imprinted with the characteristics of these times. The narrative is structured as a diary, offering a personal and chronological exploration of his experiences. My project aims to meticulously document my grandfather's life journey to illustrate the profound shifts in history and to convey the often inevitable entanglement of individual destinies with the broader sweep of historical forces. Additionally, this endeavor allows us to appreciate the past ninety years from the perspective of an ordinary individual. Through the personal experiences and narratives captured in the diary, the audience gains unique insights into how major historical events and societal shifts impact daily life and shape individual destinies. This dual perspective not only enhances our understanding of significant historical periods but also highlights the personal and communal impacts of these times.