2023 Galleries

The Spark Gallery pages are one of our most popular design destinations, with thousands of visitors each year. Check out some of the latest Spark entries, in the galleries below.



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Minsong Cho
Design Type: Concept, Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Sooa Choi

The JOI is a corner-type organizer designed to address the limited space challenges of modern desk environments. Expand your workspace by leveraging the corners of the desk that are not commonly used, and store different sizes and types of items neatly with four spaces separated to suit the characteristics of the object. The perforated logo goes well with the table and can be adjusted to match the thickness of the desk using a clamp. If you have a right-angled corner, it can be installed from any direction, and both left-handed and right-handed can be used.