2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // PETRY: Dog Exercise Service App

PETRY: Dog Exercise Service App


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Lan Yuan
Design Type: Concept, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games, Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Beijing Institute of Technology, Beihang University
Team Members: Lan Yuan & Tuotuo Yang

The PETRY project was inspired by the growing concern for the well-being of pets in today's society. Due to the rapid development of the times, the dog-owning population is gradually becoming younger. The uncertainty of life and the complexity of work make the existence of many young people who cannot walk their dogs in time to meet their dogs' daily physical needs. At the same time, pet owners of other age levels are faced with unexpected situations such as: temporary business trips and sudden illnesses that prevent their dogs from getting timely exercise. We recognize the importance of exercise for pets, and understand that many pet owners are looking for ways to ensure that their furry companions get enough physical exercise, the PETRY program was created to bridge this gap by providing a convenient and quick service that connects dog owners with dog walkers. During the design process, our team created a platform that facilitates connections between dog owners and dog walkers. By focusing on the needs of busy pet owners and providing a solution that promotes regular exercise and physical activity for dogs, we developed a unique approach that emphasizes the health and well-being of both dogs and humans.