2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: DaEun Kim
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: DaEun Kim & Eun Byeol Yun

Rainy days are characterized by high humidity and cloudy weather, which many people dislike. However, when we recall memories, we sometimes recall scenes that were pleasant because of the rain. Phor is a brand consisting of three products that deliver happiness on rainy days (such as memories of running excitedly with friends in the rain). We wanted to make people feel happy even in rainy weather. There are various types of products used on rainy days. However, this design is innovative because it goes beyond simple purposes (storing umbrellas, dehumidifying, etc.) and also conveys the joy of rainy days to users. On rainy days, there are many things to care about, such as taking care of umbrellas, managing moisture, and managing soggy smells.These cumbersome processes make rainy days even more negative.However, Phor's products make this process more convenient, effective and pleasant.Therefore, it makes users feel more comfortable and positive on rainy days. Phor's products change negative emotion to positive emotion on rainy days. In this process, for a more positive user experience, we organized the product to enable sustainable use.