2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Goo Min Kyung - OWL
Design Type: Product & industrial, concept
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Goo Min Kyung, Cho Ha Yeon & Lee Hye Rin

Unlike ordinary CCTV, the OWL relays real-time updates to the police from the sky, where there are no blind spots, and its loudspeaker and lights can buy time before on-scene personal arrive, giving citizens golden moments. Mimicking the habits of a nocturnal animal, the owl flies fast and captures even the slightest movement in the dark. Citizens in distress don't have to search for the emergency bell; they can call for help by calling a nearby OWL from a widget on the front screen of their phone. By applying an OWL-centric policing system, the closest OWL is dispatched to the scene. In addition, OWLs can be placed on or near utility poles in their usual standby state to facilitate automatic charging and alertness, dramatically reducing access time to the scene. Beyond crime, OWLs have the potential to be scaled to be used in emergency situations such as searching for missing children, clearing traffic, and terrorism.